Sunday, December 09, 2007

talk with ame

i think, for all my lack of trust in anyone, if there is anyone whose judgement i would trust without question (or as close to it as i can get), it would be that of one Amelia Leo. something about how she sees the world that truly opens your eyes in ways you never thought of before.

and she's completely right again on one thing. i want to help the world, because there is too much wrong with it. so much pain and destruction, and we all sit in our cozy little cloistered country, with so little exposure to such tragedy that it's horrifying how people can be so ignorant. so i want to help. and the only way i can start right now is to help those around me

but there's a problem. helping others comes at a cost, and that cost is your own personal life. someone who wishes the joy of others often has to sacrifice his or her own joy in order for others to feel it. and i guess right now that is my weakness. that i cannot truly let go my own personal desire for success, for happiness, for everything good in life

don't get me wrong. it's perfectly normal to work your ass off for success and the like. it's human nature, to constantly improve and excel. but the issue is whether you would be willing to compromise that 'at all costs' journey to success, in order to make the world better. because it cannot happen together (well it can, but how that should be is beyond me and beyond the scope of this post...gosh this sounds like an essay).

so the choice of society or self may seem an easy one (for those of good and noble hearts), but the (opportunity) cost is high. and the difficulty lies in removing the significance of such words as 'I', 'me' and 'my'. people are selfish and individualistic by nature (and many don't even realise it), so this is quite normal. what separates the true 'heroes' of the world are those who can do the above, and commit their lives fully to the betterment of those of others'.

it can be a lonely life at times. maybe i'll have it easier because i hold no obligatory ties of friendship to anyone other than sean, and friendship with him is beyond friendship with others. it's a bond close to that of blood bonds. but with others, i can easily break off, and remove myself completely from this world, and no one will notice

in ame's words: 'being a light is good, even if u seem like the only one, because you'll never know who looks up to you for strength'


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