Monday, December 04, 2006


i guess it's taken a long time, but i've finally realised. music plays a significant part of my life. it's never at the forefront of the things i do (well, most of the time). but it's always there. when i sit on the train, when i'm doing tok essay, whenever i watch a movie, music is always there. it keeps me company on long journeys, it provides ambient sound to think more clearly, it stirs the emotions. most often i have a tune running in my head, be it a Dvorak symphony or justin timberlake. it adds spice to life, it provides an emotional channel out, it calms the soul, it does so many things that i couldn't possibly list everything here.

morever, some of my best experiences in my short life have been around music. playing in ac phil and the other concerts, watching performances of everything from Beethoven to Ronin. these were the times when i had really enjoyed myself. and the last, and possibly best, thing that has sprung up from the musical portions of my life is the number of friendships i've made in music, through concerts, through friends, any way. friendships blossom in the unlikeliest of situations, and i'm not sure, but maybe this qualifies as one of them. i'm not born into a life of music, like some people, but music is as much a part of my life as any of them, and maybe it's having a positive effect.

hello princess


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